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Deregulation Act

This add's yet more rules and changes to the shifting sand.

You can only serve a section 21notice providing all of the rules are strictly adhered to and here is where we can help you get it right.

The section 21 notice for tenancies which began or renewed after the 1st October 2015 is now a prescribed form called a form 6a. 

This act also includes the need to provide to the tenant on out-set a copy of the gas safety certificate, the EPC and the 'Tenants Prescribed information' (please do not confuse this with 'tenancy deposit prescribed Information')

Other areas were raised in this act including the notion of retaliatory evictions, that the minimum term for a tenancy is six months and you cannot serve a section 21 earlier than after 4 months from the beginning of the new tenancy. We expect the powers that be will have truly messed up a lot of sections 21's with that one.

If you would like us to help you get your your section 21 right, or to help with the accelerated procedure in the light of these regulation in England, let us help you now.


Hi Andrew


I just wanted to let you know that I have finally got my flat back in my possession after receiving a bailiff warrant for 22nd March 2017. My tenant vacated the flat yesterday 18th March.


Thanks to your services and more often, your incredibly patient help and advice during this process, I felt supported for the whole time. It was pure luck that I came across a testimonial in a blog post for Evicthem and looked at your website. Prior to that I was considering using larger companies who charged more and from reviews I read, didn't provide a personalised service and often clients couldn't even get hold of someone on the telephone, and when they did they never spoke to the same person twice so had to explain their situation each time. The fact that i could speak to you or leave a message/email confident in the knowledge that you would get back to me was so important, especially to someone who had no experience in this kind of thing. 


All in all, I can wholeheartedly recommend the services of Evicthem to anyone due to the exceptional level of knowledge, assistance and professionalism with which you conduct yourselves.  I cannot praise you highly enough!


Thank you so much again and keep up the fantastic work!


kindest regards



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